Monday, July 12, 2010

Give Sleaze a Chance

Nobody can taint a piano bench like Lady Gaga.

The psycho-sexual performer caused an outcry from Beatles fans when she was photographed sitting at the Steinway Piano that John Lennon once gave to his wife, Yoko Ono. She was in New York City and stopped by the Ono residence for a visit. Sean Lennon snapped the photo and posted it on his Twitter page with the quote: With gaga at mom's house, she's belting on the white piano...

This was a bit too much for some fans of the Fab Four, many of whom deemed Gaga "unworthy" of taking a seat at the iconic set of ivories. One Twitterer, tarastaysfresh, responded to Sean's tweet with WHY WOULD YOU LET LADY GAGA PLAY ON JOHN'S PIANO? I'm disappointed. >:(

Obviously tarastaysfresh is the high authority on worthy deeds, because even though Sean Lennon responded back to her with, pianos meant are to be played. Why is everyone so uptight? What should we do, lock it away in a dusty room? So judgmental..., he took the photo off of his Twitter page. Score one for tarastaysfresh.

Sean later tweeted: Firstly, he gave that piano to my mother for her birthday, it is hers, secondly, he was not uptight the way you seem to be, adding, Come on, lighten's too short, there're enough real problems in the world....

There sure are Sean Lennon, and tarastaysfresh even refers to one of these problems on her Twitter page.

One out of five homeless people are pregnant women. Shouldn't they be first priority?

I wonder if tarastaysfresh deems pregnant homeless women worthy of sitting at John Lennon's gift to Yoko Ono, being the illustrious tweeter she is, and the god-all-mighty authority on all acts deemed worthy...Other inspiring tweets from tarastaysfresh:

love garth brook's voice

Well. I feel like shit.

people are assholes. ANYWAYS, peace out.

Heaven can wait, we're going out in style.

Jamie Cullum is on demand?! Gosh dern, he's the cutest brit. <3

Going out to see the chickens with the WHOLE family. :D


Watching the Tyra show, she's awesome

And perhaps my favorite...

Paraguay is the largest producer of marijuana in the world. I know who I want to win the World Cup.

1 comment:

CVEckian said...

You find the oddest threads woven throughout already fairly odd garments... and I freakin' love it!