My favorite time of the year. I get to list my favorite stuff in music that no one cares about but oh well. I had so much fun doing it last year I'm adding 5 more extra albums on my list. It was hard to do this year since I was without a computer. But thanks to friends, blogs, and band camps, I was able to listen to 25 great albums that made 2012 one bad-ass year. There was a couple more I wanted to hear but due to lack of time, here it is. Hope you love it/hate it as much as you did last year.
Top 25 albums of 2012
25. Joey Ramone- ....Ya Know?
11 years after his death Joey pulled a Tupac and released his 2nd solo album 10 years later. Not your typical Ramones songs but there was some stuff here that could've been gold. Love songs, punk songs, blah blah blah. It's not the greatest thing ever but I would've felt bad if I didn't put Joey in this list because let's face it, The Ramones are the best band of all time. This one is for the hardcore fans.
24. Larry David- Grind Your Enthusiasm
Yes! Its finally been done! A band devoted to Larry David that sings about Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld (The most grindcore show ever). Featuring members of Anal Blast, Killgasm,and Rotten Funeral. These assmen from Sacramento,CA released their debut as a goodbye, which sucks cause I never saw 'em, but at least I can listen to this. So put your cashmere spot sweater on, get thirsty over pretzels, and be the master of your domain with this album. Larry! Goodbye!
23. MellowHype- Numbers
Don't let the album artwork fool you,this ain't Black Metal, this is Hip-Hop which of course has the dudes from the Hip-Hop collective OFWGKTA. Catchy rap tunes that your mom would hate. Some would argue with me when I say this is their best, but I'll say it anyways. With songs like Grill, Monster, and 666 this makes it one of the catchiest albums I've heard this year. Tra-Trash Wang, Dats Wassup!
22. Burzum- Umskiptar
Third year in a row Varg has given us a great album (also 3 years he's been out of jail!). I'm not gonna lie: Each album keeps getting less 'n less good. But it's Varg, the most notorious Black Metal musician ever so he can do whatever he wants. If he wants to be weird and folky in this album with soothing Black Metal then let it be. Still, it's a genius work of art from Varg Vikernes.
21. Aborted- Global Flatline
Death/Grind from Belgium that for some stupid reason I just discovered. Holy balls this rules! Brutal songs about nasty shit that rules. Nothing much else to say other than it will blow you away from it's brutalness. Guest vocals from member's of Rotten Sound, Misery Index, and Black Dahlia Murder. Bump this with yo mama.
20. Green Day - ¡Uno!
Yes, I'm putting Green Day on my list, suck my ass. They released 3 albums this year: Uno (which is old skool sounding), Dos (which is a Foxborrow Hotubs sequel),and Tre (which is like their recent stuff). So when that got out I figured I'd check this out. Thank Satan Billie Joe was on drugs cause this album ruled. Total old GD with a mix of the stuff in American Idiot. A BIG IMPROVEMENT from the last album they put out. Some filler tracks but who cares, I still like Green Day.
19. OFF!- OFF!
Keith and the gang released their official album debut after 4 freaking amazing EP's already put out by the band. Not gonna lie, The First Four EP's were way better than this but this is still Old Skool Punk Rock in yo face. Angry teenager music made by what seems to be the oldest teenager ever. OFF! was created so the world would know what Black Flag would sound like if Keith had stayed in the band, and well this is it. This is so great I wouldn't mind Circle Jerks going on a longer hiatus.
18. Harassor- Hater Of Man
Harassor made my list again this year with another evil crusty hardcore Black Metal release. They possibly could've been on my list twice since they released two full lengths this year, but I was only able to hear this one. Not as evil as the debut album but still a gem for Los Angeles Black Metal with raw sounding vocals and instruments which make this band one of my favorites of the genre. If I had time to listen to other I totally would, as of now my main concern to break my bad luck streak of still not seeing them live. 7 sloppy,distorted evil Black Metal songs with one Drone-y track that will give you chills.
Listen. -l-
17. The Communion- A Desired Level Of Unease
You see this right here? You Cannot fuck with this. I saw these guys on a comp DVD and instantly loved the band to hope I can one day start a band as sloppy and shitty as them. And I say that with highest respect for these New Yorkers. Noisy as fuck Black Metal mixed with Grindcore, Death Metal, Sludge, Hardcore, you name it! In one listen I was instantly hooked. They have a bunch of splits and stuff but this is what you need to hear. God damn this shit rules.
Just listen to it man,just listen.
16. Phobia- Remnants of Filth
Orange County's Grinders have done it again with this new release. Typical Phobia tradition that I love. 20 minutes of fast and furious Grindcore. Short but sweet. It's just an album I can listen to again and again and not get tired of it. Grind.
15. Mutilation Rites- Empyrean
Another debut Black Metal album from NY. Yes this does have elements of Grind/Crust but with some Depressive Black Metal for your mood swing needs. Doom/Thrash is also in the mix but its mostly a BM album. I'm having trouble describing this one. Point is its Black Metal with other shit that rules. A bit short and not in the good way but I loved it a lot. I'm expecting a lot of good things from this band.
14. Bad Brains- Into The Future
YES! YES! YES! Bad Brains was able to make another great album that didn't suck ass! Even with all the weed they smoked they were able to put an album as great as '07s Build A Nation. This one has everything. Hardcore, Reggae, Hip Hop, Dub, blah blah! HR's vocals are weirder than ever, but BB still put out a heavy spiritual record. I was very happy with the turn out of this album, and any BB fan will not be disappointed. Now to get HR to act nuts on stage again...
13. D.I.S.(Destroyed In Seconds)- Becoming Wrath
This is the 2nd album by my favorite local D-Beat/Crust band DIS. Line up change since the last album, but nevertheless the shit rules. They've added Thrash, HxC, Grind, and other shit that rules to make this one album that is a must-listen. Plus the new singer looks like a Latino Ice Cube. Just listen for all your open minded Crusty needs.
Listen foo!
12. Gallows- Gallows

I'm not gonna lie. I thought this British band and album would suck all the balls in the world after doing 2 great albums with former singer Frank Carter and replacing him with Wade MacNeil (Who was in Alexisonfire,who sucked major ass). I boycotted them so I didn't bother to listen to the EP they released last year. I heard it this year after my friend kept convincing me, and that shit was hard. The band sounded harder, more pissed off, and just as great. They don't completely sound like a different band but I guess the only way to say is that the Gallows totally reinvented themselves and it wasn't so bad to let an American on board. I was pretty excited for this and it was no let down. Pissed, full of rage, and just a shotgun to the face. And I would be too if my singer left me to do an indie band, got kicked off a major label, and half my fans left me. Don't be like me. Give this a chance. This shit is so good I kick myself in the face for not giving them a chance at the (re)start.
11. Arts- Thousand Wounds Of War
Mark McCoy of Charles Bronson, Das Oath, Holy Molar,and Failures doing a one man Black Metal band. That's enough info already for you to check this out. Marky has 4 other BM projects but Arts was my favorite one. Just the insanity, rawness, and fastness of arts made fall in love with the band and just look into more Black Metal/Punk project. This is is second LP with ARTS and its just fuckin' raw. Nuff said.
10. Terrorizer- Hordes Of Zombies
Grindcore pioneers released their 3rd album in 2012. Though the first one was groundbreaking, the 2nd one seemed to be "Pete Sandoval/Jesse Pintado & Resistant Culture playing Grindcore". It was OK I guess. Since then Jesse has passed away (RIP) and they got Dave Vincent back on Bass (SO CLOSE TO A LEGIT LINE UP). Anyways, I liked this a lot. I was surprised by how much the aggression ruled. I expected this to end up on the end of my list (if anything) but it was just a great Death/Grind album. Nothing will ever beat World Downfall or Oscar Garcia's vocals but it's just what Terrorizer needed to redeem themselves. A lot of people did not like this album at all, but hey its better than the last Morbid Angel album.
9. Black Breath- Sentenced To Life
You know when you listen to a band's debut album and think, "Well this is so good,the rest of the shit after is just gonna be ok". Well that's what I thought about Seattle's Black Breath and they proved me wrong. Way wrong. Like holy shit those riffs, those vocals, those drums, FUCK! This was in a lot of peoples' list from the start and now you know why. Death Metal/Thrash/Hardcore/Satan/ its just fucking strong. This album is one for the books and will be talked about for ages. Satanic Hardcore? Who knows, but this something unique.
8. Napalm Death- Utilitarian
Grindcore pioneers have done it again. Political lyrics, Barney's harsh vocals, and the rest of the band just make this one of 2012's best albums. Of course all the original ND elements are there with the Death Metal approach they've been doing forever now. Some people say this one of Napalms best work. It's extraordinary, it's harsh, it's Grindcore.
7. Converge- All We Love We Leave Behind
Most people were shocked when I told them that I never listened to Converge. I never bothered giving them a chance but I knew they had a huge following and they were pioneers of something but I had no idea what. I gave this a listen as my first Converge album recently and everything made sense. These new genres of Hardcore bands ( Cursed, All Pigs Must Die, Early Graves, Nails etc.) all reminded me of Converge and what they brought to the table. This album was a true masterpiece of Hardcore, Metal-core, whatever you wanna call it. Great guitar work, memorable songs, and just stuff that makes you wanna punch your dad in the face until there's nothing left to punch. This is Converge. This is the shit.
6. Pig Destroyer- Book Burner
Five years. It took 5 freakin years for Virginia's Piggy to put out one hell of a Grind album. Every Grinder around the world is calling this one of the best Grind releases of 2012 and I couldn't agree more. People that don't even like Grindcore are highly praising this album and its just one great fuckin' record. If you get the Deluxe edition (which is worth it it) it comes with a short story written by frontman JR Heyes called "The Atheist" which is as mind blowing as this album. Also included is the Blind, Deaf, and Bleeding EP which has Old Hardcore Punk covers from Black Flag, Misfits, Circle Jerks, etc. This is a very special album and it's worth a listen even if you don't like Grind.
listen here.
5. Murder Construct- Results
Finally the debut of Murder Construct. Death/Grind super-group featuring members of some of my favorite bands including Cattle Decapitation, Exhumed, Phobia, Lack Of Interest, To The Point, Bad Acid Trip, DIS, Nausea, and way more. That enough should convince you that this will be one crazy ass Death/Grind album. Well it is, and in my opinion its greatly underrated. The music rules, the songs rule, and my favorite about this is of course Travis Ryan's vocals. If they ever tour again, see this shit live. Death/Grind done by people who've done it already, and are doing it better. This is like the Justice League of Death/Grind.
4. OFWGKTA- The OF tape Vol. 2
Its true. I fell for the Odd Future craze that's sweeping the white boy swag nation. I asked my friend to play this in the car and it quickly became one of my favorite albums of the year, and one of my all time favorite Hip-Hop/Rap albums. I don't know where to start. Odd Future is more than a Hip-Hop group. It's group of young individuals bringing all their music together to give you one amazing record. Tyler, The Creator, Frank Ocean, MellowHype, Mike G, Earl Sweatshirt, The Internet, Domo Genesis, Hodgy Beats and more all partake in this official first full length from these kids. People are saying Odd Future are the Wu-Tang of today. Some people say its Hip-Hop for white kids and hipsters. I say it's the best fucking Hip-Hop of 2012 and if you don't agree, your loss. Wolf Gang, Golf Wang, Kill Them All.
3. Early Graves- Red Horse
In 2010 Early Graves tragically lost their singer Mahk Daniels in a car accident while on tour. They had released 2 amazing albums with him and they were a staple on San Francisco Hardcore. Last year they reunited with John Strachan of The Funeral Pyre who has been kicking so much ass with them all over America. When they announced the new record I knew it was gonna be great,but not this fucking great. John adds his Black Metal vocals mixed with Hardcore/Death Metal/Crusty album which just makes it one of my favorite albums this year. Everything about this album rules hard. Why haven't you heard this yet? I have no idea, but you totally should. First song plays,and your addicted.
2. Trash Talk- 119
Oh soooooooo close to being number 1 but no cigar. I bought this the day it came out and played it like 20 times that night. It automatically became my favorite Trash Talk record and them signing with Odd Futures record label seemed to be a good move. Pissed, fast songs that I'm always singing daily like "Eat the Cycle", "Apathy", and my personal favorite, "Reasons". Since its on OF's Label Tyler, The Creator and Hodgy Beats do a song with them. Everyone had doubts on how it would sound but it ended up being the coolest fucking thing ever. Trash Wang finally happened and it ruled hard. I just cant get enough of this album. TT did so much cool stuff this year and this album proves how great they are.
1. Cattle Decapitation - Monolith Of Inhumanity

#1 album of 2012 according to me goes to Cattle D for putting out one of the best Death/Grind albums of all fuckin time. I use to like Cattle, but this album made love them to the max. I know people who hated Cattle but got into them after this masterpiece. Everything about this album is spot on perfection. The guitar, bass, drums, samples, sound, but the main thing is Travis Ryans vocals. Travis Ryan is also frontman of the year (also see #5) for his over the top vocals. They go from gurgling Goregrind to brutal Death Metal to this high pitched sounding screech that gives you the creeps but you just can't get enough of. And Cattle also put out the music video of the year for me. Its for the song "Forced Gender Reassignment", and It's also probably the most disturbing thing ever and makes The Human Centipede look like Teletubbies. Travis and Cattle worked hard this year for putting out and promoting the best thing I've heard this year. Jesus Chris is Suicide. This is 2012's best work.
Top 5 EP's
5. Condition- Deteriorating
Total Japcore/D-Beat worship with this one. This band rarely plays live cause one of the members lives out of state or something. But if your lucky to catch 'em live, its one hell of a show. This EP was recorded in '11 but just released this year as an EP this year. Fuck it,I'm putting on the list cause it raw as fuck. Features members of Trash Talk, DNF,and Raw Nerves.
4. Francis Harold & The Holograms- The White Bull Weeps From Valhalla
WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME ABOUT THIS BAND BEFORE?! SERIOUSLY. HOLY SHIT. I'VE MISSING OUT BIG TIME. If Ceremony is considered the Black Flag of today, Rotting Out the Suicidal Tendencies,than no doubt in my mind would FH+Holograms be Flipper. This is some weird ass shit. Echo-y voices from a fat guy in a bull dog mask. That's it man. That's all you need to know from this Punk/Low-Fi?/ Garage/some how Hardcore band that claims to be from Arizona but they're really from the OC. Supposedly this is their last releases ever,which makes me sad to know I'm super late on them. Holy shit this is horrendous. And I love horrendous. Frances Harold is God. Well Kind of.
3. Skvlt- 4 Songs EP
Skvlt is a Blackened Hardcore band from Massachusetts that I barely heard this year. If I would've heard their demo last year,it would've been #1 on my (demo) list. Luckily they gave us more great music this year, that kicks so much ass. A bit more on the Crust side with this one but still great Black Metal/Punk that you just can't stop blasting. I envy you people that get to see 'em all the time over there. This is so good.
2. Hoax- 3rd EP
This is completely insane. Like fuck dude, I honestly believe the singers a madman and this EP shows it. This is some heavy stuff that makes you want to keep hitting yourself with a microphone. If not then well their front man will do it for you. But fuck man this is EP is for nut jobs and psycho's. So if you hate yourself and want to listen to the some of the most awesome Hardcore of this decade, I suggest Hoax.
1. DNF - Hurt
My most anticipated EP of the year was by DNF. DNF have totally changed since their hiatus and their demo. They shortened their name to be more serious I'm assuming (formally Duke Nukem Forever), have gone from silly Grindviolence to a more serious angst
-y Powerviolence/Hardcore/a bit Sludgy/Grind act,and just kick way more ass. Tho
ugh they are kind of different band this EP did not let me down at all and is one of my favorite releases of this year. Totally pissed off, fast, loud, and catchy songs that will have you stage diving and punching the person right next to you. DNF wins EP of the year, and I really can't wait for what they have in store next. Member's of Trash Talk, Touche Amore, Raw Nerves, and Condition. P.O.N.P.
Top 5 Demo's
5. CharliexSheen
OC Fastcore. Brand new band that's getting known kinda fast and I remember crowd surfing with one of the memebers in Gnarrmageddon. Someone once described 'em as Suicidal Tendencies with blast beats.
FFO: Void,Charles Bronson, Septic Death
4. Splatter Control
Chicago Grind. Silly lyrics with silly music. Your demo's good and you should FEEL good.
FFO: Exhumed,Ghoul, Implaed
3. Spring Break '95
I heard this like a week ago and had to boot another band on this list 'cause this demo was so good not show to the wolrd. Riverside Powerviolence/HxC.
FFO: Coke Bust/Dangers/Xeres
2. Iron Reagan
Municipal Waste side project with memebers of Darkest Hours. This demo was actually better than Waste's album this year. Go Figure.
FFO: (Later) Cro-Mags, D.R.I.,Municipal Waste(Duh!)
1. Xaphan
Freakin badass Hardcore. Members of Dismembered,108,etc. You guys owe us an LA show.
FFO: 108,Converge,Nails
Top 10 Performances
10. KISS(Jimmy Kimmel Live! 3/20/12)
Jimmy Kimmel hooked me up to see KISS play 4 songs. No way in hell would I pay that much to see 'em as close as I did. But it was 4 classics and it was free. I was pretty happy. Nothing beats singing along to Detroit Rock City with Gene and Paul when they are right in your face.... FOR FREE! THEY DIDN'T GET ANY OF MY MONEY!
9. Exhumed (The Roxy. 2/11/12)
After so many failed attempts last year (One being a raided fest) I was finally able to see Exhumed. Luckily it was free (since I had already paid to see 'em before). And it was damn worth it. Matt Harvey's vocals are just crushing and brutal. I went to another show and I missed 'em. The curse is back on. Gore Fucking Metal.
8. Forward (Aladdin Jr. 6/7/12)
"We are Forward. We Are Japanese. We know little English. Fuck You". Yep, that's all they need to know to throw one fun as fuck show. Feat. ex member's of Death Side, this Japcore band showed us Americans one hell of a time. The encore consisted of 2 G.I.S.M. songs. I went ape-shit and I was all over the fucking place. The pit, the stage, on top of the crowd, EVERYWHERE. Welcome to the Underground.
7. Dr. Know (The Echoplex 8/11/12)
It was a big deal when Kyle Toucher's version of Dr.Know came back this year. I missed it the first time but I'm so glad I was able to catch 'em this time. Nardcore legends upfront doing most of the Plug-In Jesus EP and other stuff that made it one of the best sets at the 3rd annual Power Of The Riff. I lost my voice that night singing to Mr. Freeze.
6. Trash Talk (Chain Reaction 7/19/12 & 119 House 10/6/12)
I was finally able to break my lost run of curses with Trash Talk this year. So many failed attempts but I finally did it. Trash Talk is one of those bands that as soon as just a little drum is hit you have 5 kids getting on stage jumping off. Major insanity all around, just like how should be. Plus Tyler, The Creator singing Radicals with them was on this years highlight. At a venue, a house, or a built stage outside, Trash Talk just puts on some of the most fun shows ever. I also tried to go see 'em 8/1/12 but nobody got in and a riot broke out. That's Trash Talk for you.
5. Negative Approach(The Observatory 6/23/12)
Headlining this years Gnarmageddon was Hardcore legends, Negative Approach. They put on one amazing ass set with all the classics. John Brennan is one serious frontman. Obviously he's aged so his some things have changed. His voice has gotten to old and raspy he sounds like he's in a Black Metal band and I think it's the coolest fucking shit ever. Go see 'em live and try not losing your shit when Ready To Fight comes out.
4. Deafheaven (The Smell 3/9/12)
If you know me personally then you must know that I am absolutely obsessed with Deafheaven and they are one of my favorite bands of all time. I truly am in love with this band. This was my 2nd time seeing them and I made sure I was upfront ready to scream along. George Clark is one fuckin' mad man and him screaming into my face, grabbing my hand, and jumping into the audience for us to hold him was so bad ass! I left with the biggest smile on my face. I'm telling you guys right now, Deafheaven is making a new album and it's coming out in 2013. Good chance its gonna be my #1 in albums.
3. Napalm Death (House Of Blues, 11/14/12)
Grindcore pioneers Napalm put on one of the greatest shows ever. Napalm Fucking Death. Nuff Said.
2. Nasum (The Black Castle 5/3012)
Never would I thought I'd ever be able to experience the legendary Nasum live since the death of Mieszko (RIP). They did one last tour ever with Keijo of Rotten Sound and it one of the greatest Grind shows I've ever seen. First and last time in LA and it was one amazing set. Nasum has officially disbanded and if you didn't see Nasum, you missed out big time. They went out with a bang.
1. Despise You (The Black Castle 4/6/12 & The Echo 8/11/12)
Despise You played the most insane, pissed off, brutal, sweaty, crowded, angry, fun,and just plain crazy set I've seen this year. The band was surrounded by all these kids and I don't know how they didn't get hurt with all the mess we were creating. I was squished as fuck singing my favorite Powerviolence songs ever (Roll Call, 3/26/00, My West Side Horizon) with other kids being just as pissed (as well as Sergio from ACxDC crowed surfing with a skate deck) as frontman Chris Elder yelled his butt off. Let's not forget their tradition of throwing a skate deck to the crowd and watching fans get like rabid animals to own it. The second time I made it to the stage so I was finally able to stage dive and do some weird ass stuff in the mosh pit. DY is just thee Powerviolence that brings it live. Even though they're from here they're kind of a rare treat (Only played twice this year). So if they go ANYWHERE near you, it's probably a one time deal and it will be the most craziest show you'll probably ever go to. This is West Coast Mother Fucking Powerviolence.

Top 10 Openers
10. The Vandals (opening For The Misfits)
You can talk all this shit on how Escalante ruined The Vandals legacy by getting new members and going Pop Punk, but this is the Vandals I grew up on. Obviously I ended up hearing the legendary groundbreaking early tunes that throw every other stuff out of the water but I approve of The Vandals that have been playing for the past 20 years or so. They started off Urban Struggles and right there you knew it was gonna be sick. Most of my favorite songs were played and of course Dave Quackenbush made the crowed laugh (he flipped me off cause I booed when he mentioned Buckcherry). Super fun and made me feel like a kid again. They totally kicked "The Misfits" ass.
9. Nausea (opening for Nasum/Power Of The Riff)
Nausea (The LA Grind one,the only Nausea that matters) have returned and I'm so stoked about it. I have no problem with the current Terrorizer but I would choose Nausea anytime over them. Seeing Grind pioneer Oscar Garcia sing "After World Obliteration" was just one cool thing to see live. Nausea stick to the old skool Grindcore formula and for that they play some of the best live shows.
8. Early Graves (opening for Nasum)
Second time seeing EG and even though the crowd was dead they had one great set. I absolutely loved it. John sings all Mahk's song great and he's a really good fill in. Goner sang great and it was just my favorite of the night. Go see 'em live damn it.
7. The Dwarves (opening for Napalm Death)
The Dwarves were one band I've been wanting to see all year. Finally seeing them live was everything I hoped it'd be. Blag gave me the mic twice and even thought most of my favorite songs were not played, I loved them. Only complaint was that HeWhoCannotBeNamed wasn't there. Where the hell were you? Recognize The Dwarves!
6. No Statik (opening for Forward)
Furious female fronted Thrashcore. God damn she is everywhere and possibly the best female vocalist with stage presence I've ever seen live. Shit was so fast and good it ended quick. I hope to see 'em again.
5. To The Point (opening for Retox)
Member's of Spazz , Lack Of Interest, Fetus Eaters, Murder Construct,etc all in one band. Chris Dodge is singing so you know its gonna be some of the fastest and fun stuff ever.
4. Young and in the Way (opening for Integrity)
Furious Blackened Crust. I just had to see 'em play live and instantly became a fan. No one was really into 'em (tuff guy crowd) but holy shit did they play the best set that day. Let me remind you he burned a decapitated pig head and threw it at us. We loved it. They did it recently at some fest and some girl went blind. They didn't love it. If the east coast doesn't want you, shit, we'll gladly take you in and I'll go to all your shows.
3. Hoax (Power Of The Riff)
I missed these guys last week,and I'm still very butt-hurt over it. I saw 'em once this year and it was the most violent thing ever. The singer was a complete mad-man. Hitting himself on and on until he bled while the crowd was jumping on him trying to sing along. And its not just his stage antics, this is some of the best Hardcore I've ever heard. Total fuckin' madness. God damn it, I need to see 'em again.
2. Cattle Decapitation (opening for Six Feet Under)
I just can't get over how much of a great frontman, Travis Ryan is. He's like a fucking possessed animal that will fuck your shit up. Its been a great fucking year for Cattle and their live shows are something you don't wanna miss. I saw em play all of "Inhumanity" on this show and it just fucking ruled. God damn it Travis this has been your year.
1. Magrudergrind (Gnarmageddon)
Along with Trash Talk and Exhumed and I had to worst luck ever with Magrudergrind shows. The wait was finally worth it. Everything I ever wanted from a Grind show was there. Moshing for only hearing static, crowd surfing with boogey boards, and me screaming my lungs off while hugging the dudes next to me over excitement. Yes I finally saw one of my all time favorite Grind bands live and I loved every small second of it. I want to see them again and again until they get sick of playing here (which they hardly do). Magrudergrind are one today's (if not best) leading Grindcore bands and their live shows prove it. My only complaint is that they played the main stage. If it was the small ass one then I'm sure it would've been 100 times cooler than it already was. This trio puts on one hell of a show and even tho they just opened, it was one of my favorite performances of the year.

Thank you so much for reading this! As much as you hated/loved it, it was made so I can show you guys how much 2012 ruled. Check the bands out please,support them, go their shows, give em your money (well not Green Day or Kiss) but still.... Most of these bands are everyday dudes like us making sick music. Support them in anyway you can. Thanks again. <3